So, I thought it would be funny to say to my teammate (whom I’d only just met) “That was all you” after we had just lost our first game* against two others, one of whom had played a few times before (it was new to three of us).
*I don’t remember the name of the game, but it’s a bit like a shrunk chess – where when you do a move, you can’t do that move again until your opponent has done it (a list of possible moves is written on cards, one of which is passed to the opponent with each turn) – so it’s a bit of a concentration hog, at least while it’s a new game…
But, this isn’t a discussion of those game mechanics.
It (“that was all you”) was supposed to be a sort of comedy-awful thing to say to someone.
I think I do that sort of thing quite a lot – in person, and in writing… but what I’m thinking now is that I used to deliver such lines in a silly voice (or at least, with a bit of incongruous intonation), whereas now… well, it’s more like if I had to call myself “an expert” on anything, it would probably be something like “the trials and tribulations of not winking enough. Or, ever.”
…though an expert should probably have sat back and digested – and now have the perspective – where I’m more like me just lyin there with ma guts all hanging out, still in the middle of it all…
So, I dunno… You decide…
Anyway, I’d also been trying to download some app to get freebie drinks from the bar, so my concentration (game playing and socialising) was a bit divided…
I had been conscious of the fact that I hadn’t suggested a move. Not even a mumble…
Here’s a pic of Venus and the moon (earlier the same evening, over Brighton UK) while I decide where to send my memory pen next…

Venus was actually pointed out to me a little later than this photo (on my way to the pub) by a woman on a low bridge who had been looking at the pair of celestial bodies… whereupon, I’d decided to try to get a clearer photo (than this one) of the moon.
She also showed me Mars (a first for me) which was also quite cool…
BTW, I’ve just read that Venus and Jupiter are brighter than any of the stars (and Mars and Mercury can be) which is good quite pocket sized info, IMHO.
Anyway, back to the party…
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